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SERVIR Profile of Francisca Ameley Armah

Photo of Francisca Ameley Armah

Name: Francisca Ameley Armah
Affiliation: SERVIR-WA / CERSGIS
Role/Title: Assistant Application Specialist
Year you joined SERVIR: 2018

Please introduce yourself. What are you passionate about?
I am a GIS specialist with two years' experience and am someone who is always willing to learn and take up new challenges in my field of work. I take responsibility for my work and am determined to give my best at work. I am passionate about making a difference and effecting change with my work and everything else in my life.

What initially attracted you to this field of work?
I was initially attracted to this field due to the demand for more GIS technical professionals. However, once I entered this field I became fascinated by analyzing geospatial data, using maps and satellite images to solve both environmental and economic problems, and influencing decision making with products developed in this field of work.

What SERVIR activity are you currently working on?
I am currently working on using satellite images to find and monitor charcoal production sites in forest areas in the southern parts of Ghana, specifically the Gonja and Sene districts.

How does your work generate positive change?
In a nation where there is a constant need to find solutions to solve environmental and economic problems, the products and services my work provides aid in decision making by both governmental and non-governmental institutions. For example, GIS land cover and land use maps makes it easier to identify and evaluate degraded forests. This in turn helps decision makers, like the Forestry Commission, to put in place interventions to restore degraded forests.