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Weather & Climate Resilience

With climate change, the intensity and frequency of hazardous weather and climate events are increasing. Early warning systems are an effective way to minimize casualties and economic damages. However, global and local observing systems often need strengthening to generate timely and accurate forecasts that result in action taken to save lives and livelihoods.

SERVIR focuses on co-creating effective tools and strengthening capacity to integrate forecast information into decision support systems at the local, national, and regional levels. Local expertise and collaboration are essential for ensuring that satellite data is relevant, actionable, and used.

SERVIR works with host country partners to improve the accuracy and lead time of forecasts. This includes analyzing locally and remotely collected weather and climate data to better understand and manage the risk of impacts to socioeconomic disparities, public health, water security, and agriculture. Services include temperature and precipitation forecasts, as well as specialized forecasts for specific hazards and long-range climate outlooks. Examples include short-term risk forecasts for rain-triggered landslides, seasonal drought advisories, and flash flood warnings. In collaboration with partners, this information is disseminated to a range of end-users in support of early action and decision-making, helping to protect lives and livelihoods.