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SERVIR Profile of Nancy Searby

Photo of Nancy Searby

Name: Nancy D. Searby
Affiliation: NASA Earth Science
Role/Title: Capacity Building Program Manager
Year you joined SERVIR: 2011

Please introduce yourself. What are you passionate about?
While growing up and moving often for my dad's career, I became passionate about the value different people and perspectives bring to addressing an issue. From my own career as an engineer, scientist, and program manager, I am even more passionate about applying different perspectives to create new ideas and solutions. SERVIR brings people from around the world from many disciplines to bring space to village.

What initially attracted you to this field of work?
I have always liked engineering and science, and working at NASA has been a great place to do both. As NASA's Applied Sciences Capacity Building Program manager, I am excited to bring the value of NASA's cool stuff to practical use - e.g., satellites improving decisions.

What SERVIR activity are you currently working on?
With USAID and our SERVIR Science Coordination Office, I oversee SERVIR's strategic direction, connect science to SERVIR needs, and connect partners to help SERVIR do and be more.

How does your work generate positive change?
Connecting U.S. and SERVIR hub scientists to meet user needs benefits everyone. The user is able to use NASA satellite data to make a better environmental management decision, and the U.S. and hub scientists learn from each other and the user about the Earth system and the value of NASA Earth observation data.